Keeping a Cannabis Journal: Everything to Know

Keeping a Cannabis Journal: Everything to Know

While cannabis may cause forgetfulness from time to time, it’s also capable of producing a lot of memorable moments worthy of writing down. In fact, it’s common for cannabis enthusiasts to engage in keeping a cannabis journal for the purposes of documenting their experiences in a single, thoughtful space. For those thinking about picking up their own cannabis journal, here are some ideas to help you get started.

Cannabis Journal: Covering Your Experiences

When keeping a cannabis journal, many individuals begin with a recounting of their experiences after they’ve had time to process a smoke session. Especially for beginner cannabis consumers, experiences with smoking can be deeply personal, especially with the use of high THC strains with powerful psychoactive properties.

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While one may be tempted to start on their journal while experiencing the effects of a particularly good strain, some of the most rewarding journaling endeavors may be produced after a period of reflection on their thoughts and feelings. However, everyone’s journal will inevitably be different, and adhere to their own rhythm of writing and engaging with life.

Strain Diaries

One popular way to approach cannabis journaling is to chronicle their encounters with different strains and compare and contrast their unique effects. A cannabis journal may have entries organized into various sections, such as experiences with indicas, sativas, and hybrids. One may also want to compare and contrast different brands of edibles, kinds of concentrates, or favorite vapes.

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Writing down your experiences with the strains you try out over time can have multiple advantages. First, through the process of considering your feelings about different strains, you will more readily know your own preferences when choosing cannabis to purchase in the future. Furthermore, you will be better acquainted with the peculiarities of varying forms of cannabis in general. 

Cannabis-Fueled Reviews

Another avenue to consider with your journaling is “reviewing” or writing about media consumed during your cannabis high. While bingeing shows on Netflix can be enormous fun even without smoking cannabis, sometimes new and intriguing views of the series we love are unlocked after dosing with the right strain. 

Above all else, journaling enables an individual to explore their thoughts on various subjects, and cannabis can assist with producing effusive and interesting paths for our thinking to travel. Different people will have distinct motivations in their journaling, but it is universally helpful in bringing us to deeper understandings of what we choose to write about.

Tips for Keeping a Cannabis Journal

The most important thing to keep in mind with journaling is that everyone has their own pace at which they write. Many jump into the process imagining that they have to make an entry every day in order to journal properly, but setting aside one time a week and scaling up your activity according to your comfort will help you make the habit long-term.

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Furthermore, not every “journal” has to be hand-written. The purpose of journaling is to engage with one’s own thoughts, so it can be just as fruitful to type out entries on your laptop rather than actually committing them to paper. Exploring the many unique journaling apps available on phones, tablets and computers may also prove fruitful to your writing endeavors.